Playground break - enjoying the sun!
Mrs. Couch teaching art technique using chalk.
Mrs. Dunham working on letter sounds with Mrs. Parson KinderReady class
First grade lunch
Mrs. Parsons’ class is in the middle of learning about techniques
Mrs. Orr’s 2nd grade class working in Seesaw.
Mrs. Rau’s class is working on the morning message using their technology.
Mrs Orr’s class starting their reading lesson.
Mr. Cogswell class getting in some morning movement during PE class.
It’s another beautiful Monday morning at Country elementary!
Mrs. Null’s virtual and ‘in person’ learners working together in small groups on a math activity.
Good Morning Kindergarten
Monday morning - Welcome back Country Elementary second graders!
Mrs Null’s class both virtual and “in person” students starting a math lesson together.
Mrs. Dover teaching Mrs Parsons KinderReady class about being a good friend.
Our Kindergarten classes getting lunch.
Mrs. Shafer class meeting with her virtual students.
Fall Benchmark Assessments have started. Our teachers are assessing for math and reading proficiency with each of our students.
Mrs. Udell teaching virtual students.
Mrs. McHugh teaching her virtual students.