Fun night at the Country Talent Show. Magic, music, dancing, and jokes galore. Thank you to all our student performers and our parent volunteers who made this event possible.
Thank you PTO for the coffee and sweet treats today! We are so thankful for our Country families.
This week's One District, One Book Trivia Winners.
Tuesday One District, One Book Winners
Thank you to our Media Specialist Ms. Lambert and to all the special people who read with our students today and visited the Book Fair.
Monday's One District, One Book Trivia Winners!
Today's One District, One Book Trivia Winners.
Some of Mrs. Brockway's former students and current PCHS football players read and had fun doing the cowboy dance and Toy Story Freeze with our preschool students today.
Our kindergarten students in Mrs. Parsons room focused on their reading fluency today with a fun activity that had them moving, reading, and collaborating with their peers.
Our Book Fair is next week on Monday and Thursday. Please sign up for Bring a Special Person to the Book Fair. Sign up times and dates were sent home by your child's teacher via SeeSaw. If you have any questions, please message your child's teacher.
Today's One District One Book Trivia Winners!
Today is National Pig Day! Many students and staff dressed as pigs or wore pink.
One District One Book Daily Trivia Winners!
Thank you PTO for hosting a fun night! Family Prom was a huge success.
The adventure we revealed our One District, One Book book: The Adventures of a South Pole Pig by Chris Kurtz.
Students are bringing home the book, schedule, and information today. Ask them about Mrs. Kanka's skit and the pigs.
Winter Break starts today. No school on Friday, February 17th and Monday, February 20th. Enjoy the break!
Our students enjoyed a visit from Navigator's Therapy Dog Willow today! It was a great way to end the week.
Please join us for Kindergarten Roundup this Wednesday, February 8th from 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the Country Elementary Media Center. If you have any questions, contact the Country Main Office at 810.225.6600.
Happy Snow Day, Country Families! Due to the consecutive Snow Days, the PTO has decided to POSTPONE the BOOKS & BREAKFAST event that was scheduled for tomorrow morning. The PTO will reschedule this event to coincide with March is Reading Month. I will share the new details once we have them. Enjoy the snow!
Good morning Pirates!
I apologize for this late notice, but trying to predict the weather and conditions for this storm has not been easy, but in the end, we feel that it is in the best interest to close school for today (1/25) as the road conditions are expected to only deteriorate throughout the day.
There will be no Latchkey services
So happy snow day Pirates and be safe out there.