Dear Farley Hill Families,
I hope that you are doing well and that you were able to enjoy Mother’s Day weekend. Wacky Michigan weather sure impacted some outdoor plans! Perhaps that will be the last of colder weather. It is hard to believe that we are nearing Memorial Day already!
I want to thank you for the time and effort that you are putting into supporting teaching and learning during this time. Hopefully your family is getting into some type of a groove with all of this. Please be sure to let your child’s teacher know if you or your child needs assistance in this journey. I have enjoyed participating in some more classroom Zoom meetings. It is wonderful to interact with the children. I hope to see all of you by next week. Student work and teacher feedback in Seesaw is also super creative and fun to see.
This week's assignments for our students are posted in Seesaw. Paper-pencil packets have been mailed.
We are currently continuing our online registration for KinderReady and Kindergarten. If you have a child that will be attending one of these programs in the fall, please go ahead and complete the online registration so that we can be sure to save a place and plan for staffing. If you have a child who will be ready for preschool, please use this link to register.
Take care and have a great week!