Dear Farley Hill Families,
I hope that you are all doing well and that your children are more adjusted to the new group plan of distance learning. We have completed week four of this new platform and are gearing up for our final three weeks. Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we all continue to learn together.
This note contains information about:
End of Year
KinderReady & Kindergarten Registration
Updates from our Student and Family Specialist
This week's assignments for our students are posted in Seesaw. Paper-pencil packets have been mailed. Remember to use the Seesaw class app if students are using a tablet to complete their school assignments.
Student Items Left at School
This year, due to Covid-19 schools were closed to students in the spring. Many student belongings were left in the school at the time of the building being closed. As part of the process of preparing classrooms for summer closing, student belongings will be bagged and labeled. Parents will be able to pick up their child’s bagged items and drop off library books the week of June 1 (Start looking for them now!). Details on curbside pick up to follow. Just a reminder, kids are not allowed in the building until further notice.
Do you have a 5 year old?
We are currently continuing our online registration for KinderReady and Kindergarten. If you have a child that will be attending one of these programs in the fall, please go ahead and complete the online registration so that we can be sure to save a place and plan for staffing. If you have a child who will be ready for preschool, please use this link to register. If your child is a KinderReady student this year, you do not need to register him/her for Kindergarten. That task is already complete.
Take care and have a great week!
Yvonne M. Taylor, Ed.S
Principal, Farley Hill Elementary
Pinckney Community Schools