Dear Farley Hill Families,
I hope that you were able to enjoy this nice, warm weather and that your weekend was a good one. With the change of weather and the holiday weekend, I am reminded of all of the special events that we usually have in our school during these last two weeks of the school year. Our staff is really missing being together and sharing in the fun with our students, families and community during this time.
This note contains information about:
Pinckney Cyber Training Institute
Curbside Pick up Information
KinderReady & Kindergarten Registration
Updates from our Student and Family Specialist
This week's assignments for our students are posted in Seesaw. Paper-pencil packets have been mailed.
Pinckney Cyber Training Institute is offering courses free of charge. Click here for additional information on course description and enrollment.
Curbside Pick up Procedure - Week of June 1
During the week of June 1 there will be a schedule based on grade levels for curbside pick-up of student belongings and prescription medications that are at school. Please return library books at this time. Just a reminder, the building is still closed to non-staff members. The curbside pickup schedule will be shared with you in the coming days.
Do you have a 5 year old?
We are currently continuing our online registration for KinderReady and Kindergarten. If you have a child that will be attending one of these programs in the fall, please go ahead and complete the online registration so that we can be sure to save a place and plan for staffing. If you have a child who will be ready for preschool, please use this link to register.
Take care and have a great week!