principal's message

Dear Farley Hill Families,

I hope that this note finds you and your families doing well as the school year comes to an end. This is the last week assignments will be posted on Seesaw as our last official day of school is June 5.  It is most certainly an unique ending to our traditional end of year activities with our children, their families and our staff. I want to start by saying “Thank you” to our amazing staff, who almost overnight, learned a new technology platform and changed instruction to help our students and parents at home. I want you to know that our teachers have been dedicated, collaborative and hard-working throughout this quarter, as they have been throughout the year. We miss the children and are so grateful for some Zoom time, and a few glimpses in passing. Our school support team continued to work to get information to you, and to keep our building clean and safe. I also wish to thank you and your children for being as patient, flexible and engaged as possible. I am so grateful to be part of this school community.

This note contains information about:

  1. Curbside Pick up Information 

  2. Seesaw (Important update for the 2020-21 school year)

  3. KinderReady & Kindergarten Registration

This week's assignments for our students are posted in Seesaw.  Paper-pencil packets have been mailed.  

Curbside Pick up Procedure - Week of June 1

This week is curbside pickup.  A schedule was already sent to you last week organized by grade levels for pick-up of student belongings and prescription medications that are at school.   Please return library books at this time.  Just a reminder, the building is still closed to non-staff members.  


This platform is currently going through an update.  It should be available the week of June 1.  If you are using a device (phone or tablet) update your Seesaw Class app on their devices (iOS/android only). The new version is 7.3 (computer web browsers do not need any updates).

Do you have a 5 year old?

We are currently continuing our online registration for KinderReady and Kindergarten. If you have a child that will be attending one of these programs in the fall, please go ahead and complete the online registration so that we can be sure to save a place and plan for staffing. If you have a child who will be ready for preschool, please use this link to register.  

Have a great week and a safe and happy summer! We look forward to seeing you soon.

Take care,
