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Navigator Elementary PTO
Our PTO is a wonder support to Navigator Elementary School. They organize fun events for the students and staff over the course of the school year. A few of these events include Fall Hallween after school student social, Dance-A-Thon Fundraiser and after school social, and Winter Navigator Elementary Talent Show. They fund after school clubs, teacher grants, field trip scholarships, Teacher Appreciation, and teacher themed lunches. This strong partnership provides fun for the families, students and teachers of our community. If you haven't had a chance to join on 1 or 2 projects, this is a great way to meet new people and participate in the school community.
PTO Excutive Board:
Co-Presidents: Beth Leadford and Gayle Hurn
Co-Vice President: Michelle Neuman and Nicole Kesterson
Co-Secretary: Lisa Repke and Open Position
Co-Treasurer: Melissa Mayersky and Lauren Merna
Volunteer Coordinator: Open
If you would like to contact through email, here is the address: