As a part of Pinckney Community Schools' Back to School Plan, PCHS and Pathfinder will be using a block schedule. In contrast with what was our traditional daily seven-period schedule, the block schedule consists of four periods, 3 of which are longer. By shifting to this extended period approach:
- Students will experience less transitions per day, decreasing the need for hallway movement and minimizing the number of students teachers see each day.
- There will be 10-minute passing periods between classes to allow for classroom sanitization and scheduled hand-washing.
- There will be 5 lunches versus our traditional 3. With smaller lunch cohorts, we are able to divide the lunch area in half, allowing one half to be cleaned and sanitized while the other is in use.
In addition to the health benefits of this block schedule, block schedules are often touted as valuable for teaching and learning too!
- Teachers see fewer students during the day, giving them more time for individualized instruction.
- Learning can go deeper, with the opportunity for multiple transitions across the course of the block period to learn, think, collaborate, and to engage in active learning.
- Students have more time for reflection and less information to process over the course of a school day, and potentially, less homework.
- Teachers have extended time for planning on their block prep time.
We are excited to support our teachers this week with how to adapt their lesson planning approach for a block schedule to be able to fully maximize the opportunities this new structure presents.
Please feel free to reach out to Julia McBride, Director of High School Instruction & New Tech High with questions (
On the first day of school, Tuesday, September 8, while we have a 1/2 day, students will still follow their Tuesday block schedule classes (1st, 5th, 6th, 7th) as a way to begin to get acclimated with this new weekly class flow. This day will prioritize welcoming students back into the building safely, ensuring clarity about new safety protocols, and connecting with teachers and classroom peers.
Please also know that this schedule is subject to change if our region moves out of Phase 4, in either direction. If we move to Phase 3, we will quickly shift to a fully remote learning plan. If we move to Phase 5, we will take the time to make a thoughtful transition and communicate what will likely be a 5-day in-person plan.
See the full picture of the PCHS schedule, including our first day (9/8/20) schedule here!