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Contact Information
Carie Cowger, Director of Special Education (LESA)
Maggie Narayan, Administrative Assistant (LESA)
Special Education
Pinckney Community Schools has established a family atmosphere that celebrates lifelong learning. Whether it’s an effective classroom, a clean environment, a satisfying meal, a safe bus ride to school, office assistance to a student, a parent, a staff member, a wholesome extracurricular experience, effective leadership, etc., everyone in the school organization makes a difference in a student’s learning and contributes to the excellent and outstanding school environment. The Pinckney Community Schools Special Education Department currently services approximately 300 students. We maintain special education programs in our elementary buildings (Country, Farley Hill), our 4-6 Navigator building, 7/8 Pathfinder building, and the Pinckney Community High School. We have a continuum of services with an emphasis on the Least Restrictive Environment, working tirelessly in collaboration with parents to meet the needs of all students. We provide services beginning at age three for those students who are eligible.
Pinckney presently employs over 30 special education teachers and special needs paraprofessionals. There are over 20 LESA staff servicing Pinckney Community Schools which include psychologists, social workers, speech and language teachers, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and program consultants.