Contact Information
Web Accessibility Coordinator
2130 E. M-36
Pinckney, MI 48169
Report an Inaccessible Page
Website Accessibility Policy
Web content, services, and apps must comply with state and federal laws as well as Board Policy 7540.02 . To ensure that our website content is appropriate to the District’s Mission and accessible to students and community members with disabilities, we strive to review any linked web content.
It is our goal that all parts of the district website are available to all people. If there are any accessibility issues with any page on our website, please let us know by pasting the address of the problem page in the link below:
You can also use the contact information below to directly call, email, or write to the Web Accessibility Coordinator:
Phone: 810.225.3933
Mailing Address:
Web Accessibility Coordinator
2130 E. M-36
Pinckney, MI 48169
Please be sure to include in any communication the web address and issue you are experiencing on the problem page.
Thank you!